Our in-house toilet specialist, who manufactured toilets for around the globe, is in fact Dutch. Now we have asked him: what’s up with those freaky Dutch toilets?!
A Dutch toilet is a toilet that has a shelf-like unit within the bowl. Toilet designs like this are most commonly found in The Netherlands. A lot of Americans, who use these toilets for the first time, may be shocked as they horrifically stare eye to eye with their kids, who they just dropped off at the pool.
Keep reading why Dutch toilets aren’t that bad after all. In fact, it is quite a smart design.
What is different about Dutch toilets?
As we just mentioned:
The thing different about Dutch toilets is the placement of the drain, which is placed at the front and not at the back as with most US toilets. This design allows users to inspect their excrement before flushing. While it might seem unusual to some, this practice aligns with the Dutch culture of efficiency and health.
Furthermore, Dutch toilets tend to feature a different flush button arrangement, with one button for liquid waste and another for solid waste. This promotes sustainability by utilizing the appropriate amount of water for each type of flush.
Although a lot of American toilets have dual flush as well, in the Netherlands it’s the common standard. It encourages people to use water sparingly by flushing only when necessary.
As seen in the picture below, the toilet has a dual flush. The buttons, however, are inside each other. The big one uses more water and the smaller button inside is made for liquid waste.

What are the advantages of the Dutch toilet?
The advantages of a Dutch toilet are that they are efficient, environmentally responsible, they are cleverly designed and have your health in mind. Due to the shelf-like unit, it promotes health awareness. The toilets are made to promote water conservation as well.
Isn’t that all that we want out of a toilet? Let’s talk more about some of the pros and cons of one of these European toilets.
Advantages of a Dutch toilet:
- Great for health inspections
- Handy to scoop up waste for doctor’s appointments
- A great conversation starter
Disadvantages of a Dutch toilet
- It might smell
- Due to the waste being in the open air
- If you’ve had Taco Bell you might produce a tower that crayons your cheeks
- If you know what we mean
- It might scare away Americans
How to use a Dutch toilet
To use a Dutch toilet you don’t do anything different than using an American toilet. The only difference is that, if the Dutch toilet has a shelf, you can inspect what you just produced. After all, early health issues are detected this way. If you did a number two use the large button to flush. If you only did a number one use the smaller button.
If you’re worried about the smell you can always use a bit of (DIYed) toilet spray. You spritz a little bit inside the bowl before you go. After you’re done, you spritz a bit in the air.
Although these shelf toilets are a Dutch invention, most Dutch people don’t have these kinds of toilets in their homes. This is probably because of the internationalization of products.
But older homes and rental apartments often have these toilets.

Why is a Dutch toilet backward?
A Dutch toilet is backward so that its user can inspect their waste before flushing. While this might seem unusual to some, it aligns with the Dutch ethos of being health aware. Culturally, this design reflects a sense of practicality and hygiene.
It encourages people to be more aware of their bodily functions and health, fostering a proactive approach to personal well-being.
In essence, Dutch toilets may appear “backwards” to some, but they embody a thoughtful approach to water conservation, health awareness, and sustainability that is deeply rooted in Dutch culture and values.
Although these types of toilets aren’t what the new generation buys for their homes, they are common in older homes.
5 reasons to buy a Dutch toilet
Still thinking about getting a Dutch style toilet? Here are 5 reasons why you should get one:
- Water Conservation
- Dutch toilets are designed with dual-flush mechanisms and split-flush buttons, allowing users to choose between full and half-flush options. This helps conserve water by using only the necessary amount for each flush, reducing water wastage and contributing to environmental sustainability.
- Health Awareness
- The shelf-like platform inside a Dutch toilet bowl encourages users to inspect their waste before flushing. This practice can promote early detection of health issues, providing valuable insights into one’s well-being.
- Space Efficiency
- Some Dutch toilets incorporate a small sink into the tank’s top, allowing users to wash their hands using the same water that will be used for the next flush.
- Cost Savings
- By conserving water and reducing water bills, Dutch toilets can lead to significant cost savings over time. The dual-flush system and water-saving features make them an economically wise choice for homeowners.
- Environmental Responsibility
- By using less water and promoting awareness of water conservation, these toilets align with global efforts to reduce water consumption and minimize ecological impact.
Dutch toilets are fun
Plus, it’s just fun to have something different. There are almost no downsides to having a Dutch toilet. The smell issue is minimal. You might as well use some Poo-Pourri if you are worried about that. The only thing is that you might get questions about it.
After all, isn’t health and being environmentally conscious what’s important here?
Disclaimer: TheToiletSpecialist.com is not responsible for any damage caused to your toilet and surroundings by (wrongly) interpreting information found on this site. Please seek custom advice from a professional to evaluate your current situation.
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