The Toilet Specialist is managed and run by Laura and her team. After working for over 20 years in the toilet and ceramics industry, our in-house specialist decided to share his wisdom with the everyday house owner.

Our team has experience working with toilets in countries such as the US, Singapore, Japan, China, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany and many, many more.

The expertise of some members of our team has reached the entire globe. Chances are you currently own a toilet that one of our team members helped design!

As the world is getting more expensive, home DIY projects are gaining popularity. This raises the question of whether installing a toilet must be done by professionals, or can it be done by oneself?

The answer is: with the free online help of you can do it yourself!

Since we spend on average about 284 days on the toilet, your throne should be picked out carefully. With our tips, tricks, maintenance and installation guides you’ll be enjoying your ceramic throne for years to come.