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Reasons to buy toilet paper in bulk | Price + convenience

Have you ever thought about bulk-buying your toilet paper? It’s actually a great move!

It is cheaper to buy toilet paper in bulk. Depending on the brand, a pack of 80 rolls comes down to an average of $0.18/100 sheets. Buying 30 rolls from a basic brand comes down to $0.24/100 sheets. You will be needing toilet paper anyway so we say that buying toilet paper in bulk is not only cheaper, but it has also other benefits you might not have thought of.

Through a deep dive into the cost-effectiveness, practicality of storage solutions, and the environmental impact of bulk buying toilet paper, this article will convince you to buy in bulk!

Benefits of buying toilet paper in bulk

Often dismissed as a mundane purchase, toilet paper can actually become a significant expense if not managed wisely. One beneficial strategy often overlooked is buying toilet paper in bulk. But why is purchasing toilet paper in bulk such a financially sound decision?

Firstly, it’s essential to comprehend the mechanics behind bulk buying. Any product purchased in large quantities typically has a lower cost per unit compared to smaller volumes. More of the product is acquired for less money, translating into greater savings over time. It’s an equation that holds true for things as small as paper clips and as essential as toilet paper.

Take for instance a pack of four toilet paper rolls; let’s assume it costs $5. But a bulk pack of say, 24 rolls, might cost just $20. With a simple mathematical calculation, it’s evident that the per roll cost for the small pack is $1.25 ($5/4) while the per roll cost for the bulk pack is approximately 83 cents ($20/24). The savings become even more significant over time and across multiple purchases.

Secondly, consider the indirect costs linked to frequent, small-scale purchases. Every visit to a supermarket or convenience store means extra time, fuel, and sometimes even shipping costs if purchased online. Buying in bulk minimizes these extra expenses, adding to your overall savings.

Convenience and a greener choice

Further, there’s the crucial aspect of convenience. Consistently running out of toilet paper can be frustrating, not to mention embarrassing if you’re hosting guests. Keeping ample stock at hand thus not only becomes a financially wise decision but also ensures the smooth running of your home or business.

Lastly, bulk buying can contribute to your environmental responsibility. Fewer shopping trips result in reduced carbon footprint. Also, bulk items often have less packaging per unit, thus generating less waste, and contributing to a cleaner, greener planet.

In conclusion, purchasing toilet paper in bulk is an effective way of reducing costs, optimizing time, and contributing to environmental sustainability. It’s not just about buying toilet paper – it’s about cultivating a habit of smart, economical decision-making for the long run. So next time you take a trip to the store or browse online, remember to ‘roll’ with the bulk option for toilet paper!

toilet paper bulk

How long should a 30-pack of toilet paper last?

Depending on your household traffic and how much paper you use, a 30-pack of toilet paper should last months. Typically a household with more women will go quicker through toilet paper as they need it much more than men.

I bet you never thought about that, huh!

Best place to buy toilet paper in bulk

One of the best places to buy toilet paper in bulk is Amazon.

Storage Solutions for Toilet paper

After understanding why and how buying toilet paper in bulk is a smart move, naturally, the next question is – where should we store all this surplus? With a little bit of imagination and creativity, your common household areas can develop exceptional storage places for your bulk-bought toilet paper.

1. Converting Closets:

The first and immediate pick that comes to mind is, of course, the closet. Walk-in closets, linen closets, or just regular closets – all would work just fine. These serve the dual purpose of keeping your toilet paper within easy reach and out of the view of visitors. Many such closets are equipped inside with shelves. If yours is not, or if you want more space, simple add-on shelves or hanging organizers can lend you more room.

2. Creative Bathroom Storage:

Indeed, the bathroom can hold a substantial amount of toilet paper. It stretches beyond the single roll on the dispenser. Spare storage areas can be created in and around the toilet area itself. A tall cylinder vase can swiftly morph into an artistic toilet paper holder while a basket filled with rolls can easily find a home under the sink. If your bathroom is spacious, a slim storage tower or over-the-toilet storage rack can be a game changer.

3. Utilizing Hallway Cabinets & Cupboards:

Your hallway cabinets and cupboards can be a surprising savior in your storage quest for toilet paper. With some neat rearrangement, these storage spots can stash away quite a few rolls without demanding too much room.

4. Bedroom Storage:

The bedroom, though unusual, can offer you some interesting ways to stash your stocks. Built-in drawers under the bed, dressers, chests, storage ottomans, or bins under the console table – can all be potential storage areas for your extra toilet paper.

5. Transforming the Garage:

If the indoors seem to lack space, consider the garage. It can accommodate a large amount of bulk items including toilet paper. Any shelf, rack, or enclosed cabinet space can provide a safe storage option. Ensure it is protected from moisture, excessive heat, or pests.

6. Attic or Basement Storage:

Like the garage, your attic or basement can be convenient options as well. Simple, lightweight racks or shelving units can assist in utilizing the space effectively. It is critical, just like with the garage, to safeguard it from potential elements.

toilet paper bulk

Stay organized

Lastly, but importantly, maintaining an inventory of your bulk purchases helps ensure a constant supply. Knowing how much toilet paper you have allows for convenient usage and timely restocking. It also prevents unused rolls from becoming hidden or wasted.

  1. Regular Check-up
    • Schedule periodic check-ups of your toilet paper inventory to gauge usage patterns and plan restocking accordingly.
  2. Storage Organization
    • Keep your bulk toilet paper in a designated and organized storage space. Label shelves or bins to easily identify different types or brands.
  3. Usage Tracking
    • Maintain a simple log to track the rate of toilet paper consumption. This can help you anticipate when a new order might be necessary.

In the spirit of wise toilet paper management, may your bathrooms never encounter an empty roll ever again. Happy storing!

toilet paper bulk

Choosing to purchase toilet paper in bulk involves considering various factors: your budget, available storage space, and ecological impact. It’s about finding the right balance between financial sensibility, convenience, and a commitment to sustainability. In making informed decisions, we not only improve our daily lives but also make a positive contribution to the environment.

So, grab your calculator, assess your storage capacity, and explore eco-friendly options. Choose what aligns best with your usage patterns, values, and needs the next time you’re in the toilet paper aisle!

Disclaimer: is not responsible for any damage caused to your toilet and surroundings by (wrongly) interpreting information found on this site. Please seek custom advice from a professional to evaluate your current situation.

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